Rocky Rapids Sewage Lagoon Expansion

Featured Project

The Hamlet of Rocky Rapids is located in the north half of the Brazeau County, near the intersection of Township Road 500 and Range Road 72. The sewage lagoon capacity was not enough to accommodate future developments. In order to accommodate future developments, it was necessary to increase the sewage lagoon capacity. Canadian Consulting Engineers was retained by the Brazeau County to design and construction of Rocky Rapids Sewage Lagoon Expansion.


The project’s objective was to increase sewage lagoon’s capacity to accommodate future developments.


The proposed sewage lagoon site was bounded by unnamed creek on two sides. The ground water table was high. French drains were installed below the bottom of the lagoon to lower the ground water level.


A new storage cell was constructed, and an existing storage cell was rehabilitated. The project increased sewage lagoon capacity approximately from 54,000m3 to 98,000m3. The major components of the project include the following:
• Approximately 96,000m3 common excavation.
• Approximately 49,000m2 of new 60mil HDPE Liner including gas vents.
• Interconnect structures complete including plug valve and tie-in connections.
• Outlet and outfall structures complete including plug valve and tie-in connections
• Approximately 1,600m French drain


Canadian Consulting Engineers provided preliminary design, detailed design, project management and construction administration.